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Ever daydreamed about having the perfect bathroom while soaking in the tub? You’re not alone! Whether it’s imagining a relaxing rainfall shower or fantasizing about a spa-like retreat, we all desire our dream bathroom.

But turning that dream into reality can be tricky. That’s where a bathroom renovation contractor steps in. They can help turn your vision into a tangible plan and handle the nitty-gritty details of the renovation process.

In this guide, we’ll explain why hiring a professional bathroom renovation company is crucial for starting your project off right. We’ll also discuss important dos and don’ts to make sure your renovation goes smoothly and ends in success. Let’s dive in!

Why Hire Bathroom Renovation Contractors?</h2

You could have the best bathroom renovation ideas in the world, but executing them is not easy. People often undertake bathroom renovation as a passion project but leave mid-way when they realize they’ve bitten off more than they can chew.

And while DIY renovations may seem cost-effective initially, they often end up being more time-consuming and expensive in the long run. Contractors have the experience and resources to complete the project efficiently, saving you time and money.

Here are a few advantages of hiring a bathroom renovation contractor for your home:

  • They’ll help create a bathroom space where you can relax and unwind every day.
  • Your bathroom will be functionally useful while also being beautiful to look at
  • You’ll be able to make the most use of the small space with a strategically conceptualized layout.
  • You can get better returns for the money and time invested as professionals follow best practices when renovating your bathroom.

Moreover, renovations typically encompass a variety of tasks handled by different tradespeople. Contractors assume the role of project managers, orchestrating every detail from the initial stages to the final touches. This oversight ensures that every aspect runs seamlessly, keeping your project on track and stress-free.

Dos and Don’ts of Bathroom Renovation: Bookmark This Checklist NOW!

Let’s now dive into a few dos and don’ts for bathroom renovation you must be mindful of:

Dos for Bathroom Renovation:

  • Start collecting ideas early on: Look through online sites like Pinterest, Instagram, etc., browse through magazines, and look up model homes. Don’t be shy about noting down what you don’t like in addition to what you love. The more detailed your mood board, the better your renovation vision.

Pro tip: Create a Pinterest board to gather all your ideas in one place and visualize the end result, as well as communicate your ideas to your contractor.

  • Budget for the unexpected: When undergoing a bathroom renovation, always keep extra cash for unexpected repairs like mold/mildew growth behind the shower area. A contingency fund is the best way to ensure your project doesn’t get delayed or run into budget issues later on. Remember, it’s always better to be over-prepared than to be caught off guard!
  • Keep your toilet hidden: While everyone knows there’s a toilet in the bathroom, it doesn’t have to be the first thing you see. Consider constructing a wall to separate the toilet from the rest of the space. This will add more privacy and practicality to the space.
  • Don’t skimp on the shower: Your shower should be the focal point of your bathroom. Since it’s used more frequently than the bathtub, you can splurge a little on a luxurious shower. When designing, make sure that the shower area is spacious and well-ventilated. If budget allows, you can also add multiple showerheads, built-in seating, and heated floors to create a spa-like experience—right in your own home. Put on your creative hat and think of ways to enhance your daily shower routine.

Pro tip: A luxurious shower doubles up as a great selling point if you ever decide to put your home on the market. So, invest wisely.

  • Try going green:Updating your bathroom is perfect opportunity to go green, meaning you must think of replacing old fixtures with environmentally friendly and water-efficient alternatives. You’ll be able to modernize your bathroom and conserve water as well as energy.

Pro tip: Look for fixtures with the WaterSense label, which indicates that they meet EPA criteria for water efficiency.

  • Maximize vanity space: Your vanity is a central part of your morning routine. If you don’t have a vanity area already, create storage space by:
    • Considering how you will use the vanity area
    • Adding drawers, shelves, and organizers to keep your bathroom essentials neat and tidy
    • Adding a floating vanity or a sofa table with open shelving below to create the illusion of space in a small bathroom
  • Make it lit and ventilate well: Bathrooms are typically smaller spaces with limited natural light and ventilation. This can create major moisture buildup, which can lead to mold and mildew growth. If not treated in time, it can cause health issues. So, invest in good lighting and install a reliable ventilation system to keep your bathroom fresh and dry.

Pro tip: Brainstorm ideas on using a mix of overhead, task, and accent lighting. This may seem experimental, but it creates a lovely, well-lit space.

Don’ts for Bathroom Renovation:

Let’s now understand the don’ts of your bathroom renovation:

  • Don’t hurry the process: Bathroom renovations are not an every day affair. So, you must take your time when consulting with an expert to:
    • Talk through your budget
    • Explain your lifestyle in as much detail as possible
    • Map out ideas that reflect your immediate needs
  • Don’t forget about your storage needs: Imagine running all the way to your closet just to get a towel. In all that hurry, you run the risk of slipping and hurting yourself. If you don’t have a lot of space, just add a small chest or a three-tier cabinet where you can store all your essentials like undergarments, towels, medicines, hair brushes, earbuds, toiletries, and so on. Wanting to add high-end fixtures to your bathroom is a tried-and-tested way to get that “wow” element. However, this can lead to budget issues as you realize there’s no money left to accommodate your space requirements.
  • Don’t settle for low-quality materials: Your bathroom is a humid, steamy, and hot space that goes through a lot of wear and tear. So, spend a little extra and choose high-quality products that won’t break down in this humid environment.
  • Don’t focus solely on aesthetics; strike a balance between looks and usability: Your bathroom is one space that your family will use day in and day out. It needs to be functionally sound and convenient for all family members. When conceptualizing the layout, always prioritize convenience and usability for the children, elders, and even pets of the family!
  • Don’t go the DIY route: Cutting corners with the DIY approach can complicate your bathroom renovation project further. The thing is, bathrooms often need structural, electrical, and plumbing rework. Undertaking these without prior experience or knowledge is dangerous. Our suggestion? Hand over the project to professionals who will handle these technicalities while you get to work on the fun designing part!
  • Don’t ignore your bathroom’s plumbing/electrical issues: Overlooking your existing plumbing/electrical issues will only delay the problem—you’ll have to tend to it later, if not sooner. A leaking pipe can lead to pipe bursts. Improper electrical setup can cause short circuits. You get the drift. So, please speak to a bathroom renovation company and understand their inspection process for your plumbing and electrical systems. The idea is to fix the underlying root cause before you move on to the cosmetic changes.
  • Don’t skip energy efficiency materials: We know that energy efficiency doesn’t sound as fancy or exciting as a jacuzzi tub, but it’s important nonetheless. When remodeling your bathroom, go for energy-efficient materials to save money on utility bills. Plus, you have the added advantage of being kinder to the environment. For example, you can always add low-flow showers and faucets.
  • Don’t second-guess waterproofing: Let’s face it: Waterproofing is hardly ever on anyone’s priority checklist when it comes to bathroom renovations—a big mistake. As a best practice, you must waterproof all wet areas of your bathroom, such as floors, shower areas, etc. This way, you’ll prevent any chances of slipping and keep your space neat and dry. Moreover, waterproofing your bathroom also protects it from pesky mold and mildew growth. This is one area where you’ll need professionals to work their magic, so avoid doing this yourself.

Turn Your Bathroom Dreams into Reality with NYCO Renovations!

The bathroom renovation journey can be both exhilarating and daunting. However, by enlisting the expertise of a professional bathroom renovation contractor and following the advice in this guide, you can confidently manage your renovation project and bring your dream bathroom to life.

Instead of daydreaming about your perfect bathroom, speak to the team at NYCO Renovations. We will help you prioritize your needs and integrate beautiful bathroom renovation ideas from your wish list into the final project blueprint.

As one of the most trusted bathroom renovation companies, we ensure your bathroom renovation project is practical, aesthetically pleasing, and within your budget. Most importantly, we take pride in offering personalized recommendations based on our hands-on experience as a customer-first bathroom renovation company.

Book a call and get your dream bathroom project